I fear my life has digressed to become a never-ending episode of Seinfeld.
On the upside, there is lots to laugh at, friends abound and I rarely go a week without having a great story that's worth sharing (good or bad... and bad usually is very laugh-worthy so not so bad after all).
Having said that, one of the most notable things about the "show about nothing' was the ease with which Jerry dismissed girlfriend after girlfriend for the most ridiculous reasons. She had man hands. She laughed like Elmer Fudd. She wouldn't laugh. She ate peas one by one.
How picky can one person be? I'm asking myself that question with increasing frequency.
I date pretty regularly. Lots, actually. Lots of first dates. So many first dates that my new dating modus operandi is that I really don't take an inordinate amount of time getting ready; save the good stuff if a second date becomes an option (perhaps this could be problem number one). Now don't get me wrong, I'm clean, I smell good, I spiff myself up. I just don't pull out my super-nice, looking-to-impress dress until I know for sure I want to impress. That dress has been hanging, unworn, for months.
So what's the issue? Clearly, these guys are not bad... They're good guys, honest (as far as I can tell), sincere, hard working fellas. But time after time, there is something that tweaks with me to say "nope, leave the dress in the closet." What are my Seinfeld-inspired reasons for not pursuing date number two?
He told me he was glad he met me so he could save me from the life I was living.
He sent me 28 texts (27 of them unanswered) the day after our date (one of them being, "Is this thing on? LOL").
He forgot my name.
I honestly don't think I'm being unreasonable here but if the tables were turned how would I stack up? Probably not so well. I too have my special idiosyncrasies. Clearly. I like communication, but not too much communication. I talk in meandering sentences that, if you're not paying attention, are hard to follow (probably why writing is my favoured form of communication; it gives you the opportunity to read things a couple of times to try to follow my train of thought). I don't like to exercise.
Deal breakers? Maybe. But it seems we all have them.
I'm finding all of mine, one guy at a time.
"I am aware!!"