Sunday, December 16, 2012

Second Round

This is a test. This is only a test. 

Spurred on by my youngest son who I can best describe as an interesting balance between artist and antagonist, I am making Grilled Cheese with Bacon.  Seems normal.  But this Grilled Cheese sandwich has bacon instead of bread. 

My instincts say, "That's just not right." 

My arteries say, "What are you trying to do to us???" 

But my sense of adventure and refusal to not take a culinary double dog dare, make me do it despite all consideration of logic and health.

It went as expected... Messy.  Intensely indulgant.  Overwhelmingly rich.  But really really good!  I could only have a few bites of mine and my dear friend who joined (as she did at the inaugural Grilled Cheese Sunday) couldn't eat much more of hers... But it was good!

I don't think this recipe will be a frequent option on Grilled Cheese Sunday but I could be convinced to make it again if my son were to visit... And I could be convinced to have a bite.

All things in moderation.  Both the good and the bad.

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