Saturday, December 22, 2012

Turning the corner

There is a calm in being alone.  I know, it may seem illogical that I would be saying that but there is.  The trick is in finding it, that place of calmness.

Like so much in life, I think the key to happiness is where you place your attention.  Choosing where you focus is not as easy as it sounds as it turns out.  It can be so easy to be distracted then consumed then obsessed by the negative, but what does that get you?  

I've known lots of people who are "glass half empty" folks, we all have.  They are the ones who are "just ok" on perfect spring days.  They are the ones who walk past, in a state of total self-consumed oblivion, the amazing musician that blesses a subway with their gift.  They are the ones who brood, day after day, week after week, year after year, about those that "done them wrong."

So as I continue to spend time alone, I am focusing on the gift of solitude. Instead of focusing one more minute on anyone from my past who chose me second, who placed me low on this list of priorities we all have, I am focusing on those who love me.  On those who choose me and value me as much as I choose and value them.  I choose to be thankful and aware of the good in my life and take this time to appreciate it.  And the gift that comes with that is the warmth that surrounds me.

It feels like a corner has been turned.

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