Thursday, December 13, 2012

The options

Options are a funny thing...  They're always there, whether we acknowledge them or not.  It's probably just our own state of readiness that determines how tightly our blinders are affixed to our visions of our world.

As time marches on and friends become more aware of my new (new to them, at least) single status, the suggestions are starting to come with increasing regularity.

"I have a friend, just let me know when you're ready."

"When you're ready, you should set up an on-line profile." 

Always, with the notation "when you're ready."  How the heck should I know when that is?  Is there a "ready" alarm clock?  Not that I've found, that's for sure!  All I know is that I want love.  Don't we all?   Then again, maybe not (recent experience should teach me that).  I guess that's ok if that's what you don't want.

But if we do want it, don't we all deserve someone who would move heaven and earth to be with us?  Even for short time?  Don't we all deserve that at least once in our lives?

I think so. 

So for now, I'm choosing the option of carrying on and enjoying all that is available to me now (which is so much) and when the option opens up to someone else... There I will be. 

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