Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thank you, whoever you are

It's just a coffee & yogurt. I know.

I was the fortunate recipient of a random act of kindness this morning when the person ahead of me in the Tim Horton's drive through paid for my "Medium-cream-double-sugar-and-a-vanilla-yogurt, please" that is part of my morning ritual. $3.69. Not a big deal in the global economic picture but it elicited a squeal of happiness from me when I was told. And it put a smile on my face for the small remaining commute I had. And again when I told the story at three of my morning meetings. And again when I thought of it on my drive home. And again now.

How is that not a big deal? One giver, one act, one recipient, one squeal of delight and six separate smiles in the day.

Can you feel it? That's a shift in the global axis of happy.

Go do good. Trust me, it makes a difference!

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